honey chocolate ice cream 🍨

“Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos”
— Don Kardong

Making homemade ice cream is easy if you have the right tools! We invested in an ice cream maker many years ago, and we have put it to good use.

Although there are healthy versions of ice cream on the market, we love making our own because we control the ingredients and most importantly, it is fun!

We sweeten our ice cream with organic raw local honey, and flavor it with raw cacao. Raw honey and raw cacao offer so many health benefits!

“We need to teach our children to eat real foods. No junk foods. No fast foods. No processed foods. Just honest nutritious, real food.”
— Simple Organic Life

The benefits of raw honey are vast! Raw honey is full of vitamins such as, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, zinc among others.

Antioxidant: helps protect against chronic disease by inhibiting the oxidation of free radicals. They stop the chain reaction of cell damage.

Antimicrobial: helps kill harmful bacteria and fungi.

Anti-inflammatory: chronic inflammation is connected to almost every health condition (source) and has been shown to play a large role in development of rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, and Alzheimer’s. (source)

Anti-cancer: because of the types of antioxidants in honey, it has been shown to be useful in cancer treatment

Don’t forget the raw cacao! Raw cacao, differs from cocoa powder in that is isn’t roasted and therefore maintains more of its nutritional benefits.  Raw cacao is simply fermented and dried; and is high in selenium, magnesium, chromium and manganese.  

Flavanols, which are found in cacao have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.  For example, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the flavanols in cocoa improved cognitive function, blood pressure, and overall metabolic profile in the elderly. The Flavanols in cocoa have also shown to have prebiotic potential (source).  Prebiotics, which feed the healthy bacteria in your gut, support your immune system and healthy digestion. Cocoa, when taken regularly, has also been shown to have a positive affect on facial wrinkles and elasticity of skin (source).

*Other source




1 cup of raw cacao (I buy this one)

1/3 cup of raw honey

1 1/2 cups of whole milk

3 1/4 cups of heavy cream

2 tablespoons of vanilla extract


In a large bowl, combine ingredients and mix with an electric mixer. Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker freezer bowl and turn on the ice cream machine. After 25 minutes, put the ice cream into ice cream containers and store in a freezer for 2 hours.

After 2 hours take ice cream out and enjoy your delicious, healthy, chocolate ice cream!