It’s time to heal

Just because your symptoms are common, doesn’t mean they are normal. Your symptoms are your body’s way of speaking to you. Are you ready to listen? No more quick fixes or 30-day diets. It is time for a lifestyle change! It is time to heal your gut and get to the root cause of your symptoms.

Throughout my life, I have struggled with my health and it took me years to realize I was feeding my sickness. I wasn’t eating the right foods for my body, which caused me to be in a constant struggle for balance.  Eczema, brain fog, stomach pains, and bloating were a constant struggle. I felt like I was eating healthy food, but was I digesting it and absorbing the nutrients? A lifetime of unhealthy eating, antibiotics (not to mention chemo and radiation) had tore apart my gut. It has taken me years to heal a lifetime of damage and the healing is ongoing.

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Learning about what my body needed led me on my own personal wellness journey and brought me right here to help others on their path to health and wellness. As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I will help you listen to your body - which is intuitively intelligent. Together, we will work to embrace new foods and modify eating and lifestyle habits.    

Quality food is critical for wellness because it supplies our body with macro and micronutrients that are essential for life.

In addition to a properly-prepared, whole foods diet, there are six foundations that must be in balance for optimum health:


Nutrition, Digestion, Blood Sugar,

Fatty Acids, Hydration, and Minerals


When these six foundations are in balance, the body can begin to heal.

Lifestyle choices and factors such as processed foods, bad fats, chronic stress, alcohol and exposure to environmental toxins have a deep affect on our wellness. This damage impedes our ability to digest and properly absorb our food, which is the key to health.

Together, we will explore all these concepts, discover the missing pieces, and begin to heal!


As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I work one-on-one with clients to evaluate their internal imbalances and deficiencies. We then design a bio-individual treatment plan that includes dietary recommendations and lifestyle changes that will help their body heal and find balance. 

I also work with families, offering an array of services to help them live a healthier lifestyle. Together, we can explore healthier options and move your family towards real, nutrient dense food - even for families with picky eaters!

I work to empower and educate individuals and families to take responsibility for their health through nutrition and lifestyle changes. Pantry cleanup, healthy swaps, meal planning that will start to clean up your kitchen!

My clients and I utilize nutritional questionnaires and a food journal to assess where they are in their wellness journey. We then evaluate findings and create a workable plan together. Discovering where the imbalances are is the key. We track progress, as well as problem solve, modify, and support nutritional goals. 


Please fill out the form below to inquire about nutritional services or schedule a free 15-minute discovery call to see if Nutritional Therapy is right for you!


Stomach pains? Not digesting your food? Not sure what to eat and how to nourish your body? Then nutritional therapy is for you!