shepherd's soup

Shepherd's Soup.jpeg

Hello there! Happy fall!

I wanted to share this delicious soup I love to make for my family (and then eat the leftovers for dayzzzz)! My mother used to make a similar recipe; she called it hamburger casserole - it was my favorite dinner growing up. I tweaked it a bit and changed the name to Shepherd’s Soup - just because Shepherd’s Pie is my favorite winter meal of all time and this meal reminds me of it! Of course, I have to give credit to my mother, who inspired this meal and should take some credit for the recipe!

Preparing and cooking food at home has many benefits.  Research tells us that people who cook at home are more likely to maintain an optimum weight, eat more fruits and vegetables, and are less likely to develop a chronic disease. Eating just five meals a week at home offered many of these benefits.

So many foods today are hyperpalatable, meaning they taste so good, and are extremely attractive and appetizing. However, they lack nutrients and because these foods are addictive in nature, they tend to encourage overconsumption. 

Food should be pleasurable, while also offering nutrients. 

Eating a variety of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fats) daily is vital to your health.   Deficiencies in fatty acids can lead to many issues throughout your body. Historically, we have been afraid of eating fats, however, research shows we need healthy fats in order to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). These vitamins help to regulate your immune system and deficiencies can lead to autoimmune diseases (source). 

Healthy fats have important roles within the body:

  • Provide a source of energy

  • Aiding in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K

  • Act as building blocks for cell membranes and hormones

  • Protect the lining of the organs

  • Allow for proper use of proteins

  • Regulate energy absorption by slowing absorption of food

  • Increase fullness

  • Make food taste good!

Try this easy one-pot Shepherd’s Soup! This meal has a healthy combination of protein, fats, and carbohydrates - which is what you need to look for in a meal. It is a comfort food in our house and it tastes even better as left-overs.  This recipe is also good for people who are trying to heal their gut/digestive system. The ingredients are easy to digest, gentle on the stomach, and quite healing in nature.

TIP: You can even eat this for breakfast! 

Shepherd’s Soup

2 lb. Grass-fed ground beef

1 container of tomatoes (about 18 oz.) - I use this

About 16 oz. of beef bone broth or water-  I use this

6 small potatoes cut into 1 inch cubes

4 carrots cut ¼ inch thick slices

4 cloves of garlic

½ onion

2 Tbsp. grass-fed butter

Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. In a large pot, cook onion in butter until softened.  

  2. Add in ground beef and cook beef until browned and cooked through.  

  3. Add in tomatoes, broth, potatoes, carrots, garlic, and salt and pepper. Heat on high until it comes to a boil. 

  4. Turn down the heat and cover simmering until potatoes and carrots are cooked through (about 40 minutes).