my favorite go-to skin healer for the whole family


Bug bites and bee stings are part of the summer experience.

I love this Black Drawing Salve Stick - my kids say It takes away the itch or the sting immediately. Plus, with tick season underway here in New England, I feel good using this salve on the tick bite to draw out all the tick impurities. This stick has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help with the easing of minor pain + burns; dry + itchy skin; reduction of acne, swelling and inflammation.

All these natural ingredients combine to make the perfect healing stick: Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Charcoal Powder, Bentonite Clay, Candelilla Wax, and Organic Lavender Essential Oils.

Castor Oil: A seed from the ricinus communis plant and is known for its ability to be anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, as well as moisturizing.

Olive Oil: Olive oil traditionally has been used on the skin. Studies have shown that applying olive oil on ulcers in mice helps with inflammation, reducing oxidative damage, and reconstruction (source, source)

Activated Charcoal: Charcoal is nontoxic and is widely used in industrial processes for its ability to absorb a large number of substances. It is thought to help lure toxins + bacteria to the top of the skin (source). In clinical studies, charcoal has been shown to help leg ulcers heal (source).

Bentonite Clay: A clay that comes from volcanic ash that is thought to absorb impurities bacteria. A study showed that bentonite clay was capable of reducing and preventing an allergic reaction to poison ivy (source). Bentonite clay has antibacterial activity and provides essential minerals to the body. In addition it has detoxifying properties (source).

Lavender Essential Oils: Traditionally, lavender oil has been used for the treatment of skin disorders. A 2016 study conducted on rats found that lavender oil promoted wound healing. (source)

I love this company! All of the products are handmade with the best quality ingredients.

Click here to check out this amazing product.*

*I am currently an affiliate for Earthley Wellness. See affiliate disclaimer below for more information.